Ideia i-1089, versão 1


A Q-card is used to get in a queue without having to be in the queue physically. It can join Online or in site through a Q-card reader. It gives real time updates on the queue and helps control the flow in commercial places, hospitals or any other queue situation!  
Ideia de João Colaço Ideia de em ‎04/05/2020 16:09
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A card that is a ticket for a line queue in any commercial space(RFID, NFC or QRcode) People register their turn by swiping these or Online, than receive an SMS with their number and updates on the Q!

// The Why ! 

Q-card appears from the need of social distance in queue lines and the use of tech to avoid big waiting lines where people have to stay up for hours, specially thought for disabled and elderly folks.

Queue lines are not just a pain for the mind and the body, but also a hazard for the COVID spreading!

Avoiding these queues it's a Win for all, people and shops!

// The How ! 

The ideia is to have an RFID/NFC/QRcode contactless reader by the doors of commercial places.

RFID Q-cards should be given by the commercial entities or asked online.

NFC Q-cards are used with an app and smartphones.

QR-code Q-cards will be given upon registration online and can be used with the app or printed in paper.

For all above we must register online with our name and contact info (e-mail and/or phone).

The main thing is, everyone should have access to this tech with something that identifies them so we can receive an SMS with our Queue line number and real time updates.

To join a queue we can submit online by clicking the establishment or we can go directly to that establishment and swipe our Q-card. Next a text message will be sent with our place in line and following updates.

When it's our turn, we will have to swipe our Q-card (physically by the contactless reader or online with the app) in order to enter.

// Things to be done ! 

The Q-card reader -> To be placed in the commercial spots

An LCD for user information, an RFID/NFC/QR-code reader, internet connectivity all microcontrolled (i'm thinking about a PIC or Atmel Arduino style fast prototype thing) it will have PC connectivity also and probably an SQL database and other things that might be usefull.

This will also incorporate a thing that sends SMS texts automatically, so we can send updates not just to the app and website, but for the Phone!

The Q-card website -> the place to understand the thing, to ask things, to Join the Queues, register online, Get a QR-code! join the team! The place to do everything!

The Q-card App -> The place to do everything you do in the website and register the NFC thing of our smartphone!

The Q-card Database -> An SQL? database for the registrations made ! So we never forget (unless we want to be forgotten) about our users! =)

// The idea birth ! 

I had this idea while sleeping, so... i have a dream ?!

I than woke up and thought better about it, i can see myself using this, i mean... we already use cards for every thing, this could be an universal card for commercial purposes and actually to anything with a queue, even hospitals!

I can have a system like this working but i can always use some help to make it faster and better!

Please join me! Tech or no tech background, this needs ideas, opinions and criticism!

< 2 semanas 2 a 4 semanas > 4 semanas

I can do everything, but it will take time, so i ask for help specially developing the Website and the App.

Ideas for enhancements and other perks will come along the way and together we can go faster, better and further!

Tags: queue, wait, line, ticket, qcard